Friday, May 14, 2010

Waiting Game

Nervously waiting for a report on what doctors saw with their "internal mini cam(s)"

During pre-op, we had a good discussion/full briefing with all doctors (surgeon, urologist, anesthesiologist)
Becca signed waivers on various organs
Basically, docs say it's 50/50 for goal of removing all the tumors they can see.
All or nothing proposition. Nothing means chemo in a week to two weeks after recovery from minor.
New possibility of having to remove bladder was a surprise.
Kidney could be in question but could be dealt with after surgery with a needle incision (a good thing)
Pretty much comes down to intestine area.
It's a gut wrencher here at Mt. Zion.


1 comment:

  1. From Sacramento, we are pulling for Becca to come through her surgery safely today.

    Baby Kyshon, Roslyn and Seth
