Saturday, May 22, 2010

Play it By Ear this Weekend

Tough night with pressure on the lower intestine, though no nausea and vomiting like yesterday morning. Breakfast: tea, Milk of Magnesia, steely oatmeal and maybe a Miralax chaser. Intestinal fortitude.

Our Derby neighbor/savior Melissa will be sending out a feeding schedule and minor instrux to some of you local heroes. Don't feel obligated as there are way too many names for twice a week requests. Especially if you live far away. (Hey, I can write in incomplete sentences. I guess that makes me a gifted writer?) We are blessed with best friends as neighbors, as in about 25 feet away. I can't tell you how reassuring that makes me feel right now. We care about our far-away best buddies too, of course. It's just that when you're potentially making emergency decisions in the middle of the night, it's really nice to know that you don't need to drive to, say, Mill Valley (aka CohenVille) to drop Abby off.

So about visiting today or tomorrow. Abby and I will be out and about most of day. Best guess is to play it by ear. If you don't get a response when you knock gently or call the home number loudly, you'll know why. Becca does check her e-mail occasionally too.

Monday morning Becca has a heart check. Tuesday 7:15 it's screen time before heading off to Summit for chemo blasts.

Keep the Faith.



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