Monday, May 17, 2010

Same Pain, Some Gain

I pretty much knew "What's up with Becca" when I walked into my neighbor Tucker's house upon our return to see Becca lying on her couch eating a beautiful looking meal (at least it looked beautiful after feasting on the fast foods of Ontario Airport). So the headache is still there, although not quite as intense as the spinal force variety, but the appetite and edible food are back and staying down (knock on keyboard). We're waiting for the anesthesiologist to call back.

One doctor who did call back was Dr. Sabbatini from Sloan Kettering Hospital in NYC. Sounds like he recommends the chemotherapy AIM (Adriamycin + Ifex + Mesna), which is a really toxic brew that has shown success with LMS. So when Becca is up and at 'em in a week or so, she'll be getting AIM in the hospital for three or four days, then get three weeks off, then a second three or four day stint, then a scan for results. I'm waffling on the exact number of treatments here as this is second-hand info and I don't have my crack fact-checking team here led by Tucker Malarkey. And don't let that name fool you, cuz she doesn't tucker out and she ain't full of malarkey. Sorry, Tucker I just pity your parents' name choice a little.

Hopefully some good ol' fashion routine will kick in this week around here. We'll keep you posted.



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