Sunday, April 11, 2010

Count down to scan

There is just over a week until my next scan and the anxiety, or what we call scanxiety, has kicked in. Every scan is" important" but this one has the extra punch of being the first one since starting chemo (gemzar) in February. I have been feeling optimistic, mostly, and in my gut feeling is that the scan will be good, however my mind won't be at rest until I have the scan report in my hands.

I continue to do Qi Gong everyday, take my supplements and have now added a homeopathic remedy. Last month MD Andersen (one of the biggest cancer centers in the U.S.) published a study that found that homeopathy to be as effective as chemo therapy in breast cancer. That aside, the doctor I am consulting with has been working with cancer patients for many years and obviously believes that homeopathy plays a role in the treatment of cancer.

The art auction at Vintage Berkeley two weeks ago was a fun and successful. Thanks to the many artists and the crew of folks that took on the many tasks to make the show possible, and thanks to everyone who attended. Over 2/3 of the art sold with just a few pieces for sale still. We netted about $3000, not a huge amount but nonetheless money that will go directly to Matt Van de Rijn's research at Stanford. Speaking of fundraisers, once again Berkwood Hedge School is stepping up to bat for LMS research with a all school walkathon on April 23rd. Once again I am honored and thrilled and deeply touched at the continuous support from the Berkwood Hedge staff and community.

Keep your fingers crossed!

keep you posted
